UNITY Study Session in Ukraine
UNITY Study Session in Ukraine
"Ukrainian Shorinji Kempo Federation" from 6 to 8 July 2018 at Odessa, Ukraine will be held
UNITY Study Session by instructors from Japan (Shorinji Kempo Unity).
Three UNITY instructors will be invited to conduct a UNITY Session.
Kenshi with 1st kyu and higher can participate in "UNITY Study Session".
The program of the session will consist of:
*Hokai Seminar
*Technical Seminar
The session will be conducted by instructors:
Mr. Mitsuru Sakashita 7 Dan
Mr. Kazuhiro Kawashima 8 Dan
The participants should have 1st kyu or higher ranks,
but concerning the less opportunity to receive lectures from UNITY instructors,
we accept participants who have 2nd kyu or lower ranks.
The contents of the session will be for the members with 1st kyu and higher ranks.
SHORINJI KEMPO UNITY doesn't limit the age of participants.
Detailed information about the cost for the participate,
the possibility of booking the hotel will be provided later
Everyone who wants to participate in the session,
confirm your participation and the number of participants.
For participants from other countries,
the contact e-mail address is Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Contact person:
- Garashchenko Dmitriy.
WhatsApp Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/8o4QQdFnz876qeydnuAiEx